
Real change delivered online from Cheshire


Welcome to hypnotherapy4change

Real change to your golf game delivered online

Welcome, and thank you for visiting. My name is Craig Hughes and I am a UK based hypnotherapist helping golfers to reduce their handicap. I operate online throughout the UK and Worldwide.

I specialise in helping golfers to lower their handicap and improve their golf performance.

If you want to lower your handicap or focus on improving your ball striking or putting then I can help.

Hypnotherapy offers several benefits for golfers experiencing anxiety, which can significantly improve their performance on the course. Here are some key advantages:

Emotional Regulation - It helps golfers to supress negative emotions and elevate positive ones, contributing to a more focussed and more enjoyable experience.

Enhanced Visualisation - Golfers can use visualisation techniques during hypnosis to improve their swing and overall game strategy.

Tension Reduction - Hypnotherapy induces a deep state of relaxation, which can lead to smoother swings and more consistent shots.

Increased Restorative Sleep - Hypnotic practice at bedtime can improve sleep quality, leading to better relaxation and readiness for the game.

Anxiety Management - It's particularly effective for dealing with golf related anxiety and the yips, which are involuntary wrist spasms that occur when putting.

By incorporating hypnotherapy into your routine, you can achieve a state of flow, where you perform with smooth, accurate execution and complete engagement in the task at hand, ultimately leading to a lower handicap and enhanced enjoyment of the sport.

I can also help clients with Stress and Anxiety, Phobias, Insomnia and Smoking Cessation, please contact me for further details.

Full member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists.

I studied hypnotherapy and specifically Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy – with the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. The combination of the two most powerful psychological therapies: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy; provides the most effective and proven therapy currently available. You can read a Fact Sheet about Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy here

If you choose to work with me we will undertake an assessment session where you can explain what you want to work on and we can agree a plan to deliver your expectations. The number of sessions necessary will depend on the issue and I will explain more about this during assessment.

The work we do together will be a true partnership which will involve commitment on both sides to ensure success.

I work with clients online using zoom, teams, skype, google meet or what's app so it doesn't matter where you live.

If you are ready to commit to improving your golf performance, why not give me a call for a no obligation discussion, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.