
Real change delivered online from Cheshire



Do you want to lower your handicap, become more consistent and gain more satisfaction from playing golf, if the answer is yes then I can help you. Do you regularly get frustrated after playing a bad shot which then affects your performance for the next hole or rest of the round, if the answer is yes then I can stop this from happening.

If you want to see your golf game improve significantly then give me a call.

Hypnotherapy can help to improve golf performance by addressing mental blocks, improving focus and concentration, and enhancing confidence and relaxation on the course. Here are some ways that hypnotherapy can be used for golf improvement:

Overcoming mental blocks: Hypnotherapy can help golfers overcome mental blocks or fears that may be hindering their performance. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help identify and release any negative beliefs or past experiences that are holding the golfer back.

Enhancing focus and concentration: Hypnotherapy can help golfers improve their focus and concentration on the course. Through guided imagery and visualization techniques, hypnotherapy can help golfers develop a laser-like focus and block out distractions.

Building confidence: Hypnotherapy can help golfers build confidence in their abilities and trust in their swing. By reinforcing positive beliefs and visualizing successful shots, hypnotherapy can help golfers feel more confident and perform at their best.

Managing stress and anxiety: Golf can be a mentally challenging sport, and hypnotherapy can help golfers manage stress and anxiety on the course. Through relaxation techniques and stress reduction strategies, hypnotherapy can help golfers stay calm and composed under pressure.

Improving muscle memory: Hypnotherapy can help golfers improve their muscle memory and develop a consistent swing. By visualizing and rehearsing the perfect swing in a hypnotic state, golfers can reinforce the correct muscle movements and improve their overall technique.

It's important to note that hypnotherapy is not a magic solution and requires commitment and practice from the golfer.

I use a variety of techniques to help develop a strong and resilient mindset on the golf course, this will enable you to have confidence when playing and allow enhanced focus and concentration throughout your game.

I have played golf for over 30 years and so I understand the frustrations that you feel when you play golf, the disappointment when that 6 foot put doesn't go in the hole or when your drive goes out of bounds.

I bet you haven't considered how the thoughts that you have on the golf course and how you respond to these can impact your performance. Learning techniques that help you to be resilient on the golf course when you play will make the difference between recovering your round or it turning into a disaster.

I offer tailored support based on your individual goals and aspirations, whatever you need to improve your game I can help you.

Please give me a call for a no obligation discussion.